1 de diciembre de 2013

[Places]: Home sweet home

I can't believe I'm actually going back home. I'm flying soon after 8 months living in London. I had really great time, I met amazing friends... I had fun, I visited a lot of places...  of course I'll come back soon to see my friends! Now it's all about goodbyes and packing... it's gonna be a mess!
¡No puedo creer que ya quede tan poco para volver a casa! Después de 8 meses en Londres en los que he vivido momentos inolvidables, he conocido a gente maravillosa... ¡lo he pasado genial! Y he visitado sitios increíbles. Ahora todo son "adioses" y preparar la mudanza.

In a few weeks I will get time
To realise it's right before my eyes
And I can take it if it's what I want to do

I am leaving, this is starting to feel like
It's right before my eyes
And I can taste it, it's my sweet beginning

And I can tell just what you want
You don't want to be alone
You don't want to be alone

And I can't say it's what you know
But you've known it the whole time,
Yeah, you've known it the whole time.


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