14 de marzo de 2014

[Vintage]: Núria

My grandma was a really beautiful and stylish woman. Maybe everybody could say that but she used to take care about all the details in her outfit and was always dressed perfect. She passed away two months ago and I really missed her a lot... so much that it hurts. I was searching for some family pictures and I found these beautiful images about her and decided to share them with you.
Mi abuela era una mujer muy muy guapa y con mucho estilo y no lo digo porque fuera la mía, aunque también. Solía cuidar todos los detalles y siempre iba vestida de manera impecable. Murió hace dos meses y la echo muchísimo de menos, tanto, que duele. Estaba buscando entre algunas fotografías familiares y encontré estas bonitas imágenes suyas.

What was beautiful will always remain beautiful 

Núria, June 1987 


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